If you have Questions or concerns, call us immediately. A puppy can go from fine to ill in a matter of a few hours. Don't hesitate to call if you have any problems. Sometimes a puppy is excited and doesn't eat the first 8 hours, as long as the puppy is playful, drinking water, I wouldn't be too concerned it they only nibble at their food. Leave it out. If they haven't eaten within 8 hours, we need to try to entice them to eat. Remember puppies need nap time. Do not over do it with playtime, especially if you have small children or other dogs in the home.
Make your Veterinarian appointment for your puppy's first well puppy check up, this must be done within 48 hours of purchase, to activate your warranty. Note* We do not pay any Veterinarian charges. If the Veterinarian finds the puppy to be in poor health return the puppy immediately. Do not get vaccinations of any type (or start preventative care) at this visit, do not add anymore stress, until the puppy has time to settle in. Doing so will void your warranty. These can be done on the next scheduled Veterinary appointment.
What to expect on Gotcha Day:
You should receive an email with a pick up appointment date and time, the week you have planned to pick up your new puppy at 8-9 weeks old.
You will get an email like this a few days before your pick up appointment.
RE: picking up puppy instructions
It's time to confirm your pick up appointment for picking up your new puppy.
RE: picking up puppy instructions $__________________BALANCE
DAY & TIME: (____________________________), @ 10:00 am-2:00 pm), please call, text or email us to schedule a pick up time. Please call/text the night before to confirm or before leaving the day of pick up.
Let us know what you will be driving. (903-385-5577 Jo)
Location for pick up:
1. Dairy Queen, 17249 Interstate 20, Canton, TX (exit 527 off I-20) or at
2. CVS, 1215 S Trade Days Blvd Canton, TX 75103.
Please verify your choice of time or location.
Vehicle: Sarah drives a blue Ford Escape, SUV, she has long red hair. (Sarah's number 520-788-3070). She will park on the left/east side of DQ towards the back. CALL or text Jo 903-385-5577, an hour away to confirm, or contact Sarah at 520-788-3070.
Schedule your Well Puppy Check Up with your Veterinarian as soon as possible (48-72 hours). Call, text or email us the results of this visit. Remember DO NOT re-vaccinate, re-deworm, or start new preventative medications at this visit. This visit should be calm and stress free to start a good Veterinarian experience for your new puppy. We do not recommend or honor Franchise Veterinarian Clinics, such as Banfield, Vetco, Thrive.
Have the Nutri-Source Puppy 8-20 pound bag, for your new puppy. Have food and water bowls and a crate with bedding ready before bringing puppy home. I will give you a 1.5# sample bag. *It is not uncommon for a puppy to not eat the first day, as long as he/she is playful and active, I wouldn't be alarmed. If they don't eat after 8 hours call me. If you can not find Nutri-Source, my next choices would be Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Diamond Puppy Food. Use a food that you can buy conveniently.
Things to bring- a crate is always best for safe transportation, paper towels, wet wipes, a blanket or towel.
Don't forget the balance due, if any, on puppy, in cash..
Once you have your puppy, please leave us a review on Facebook @ Kando Family with pictures and on Google Kando Puppies.
Please let us take a picture for our Gotcha Day Memories on Facebook.
Be sure to check our website for the link to order your NuVet Supplements.
NuVet is not available in stores, and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional.
For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code:39947, or ordering online at www.nuvet.com/39947.
You can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the “AutoShip” option at check out.
Thank you,
Jo Guthrie 903-385-5577
Your New Puppy Care Instructions
Congratulations on your new puppy. We are pleased and honored that you are now part of our puppy family. Our obligation to you is to assure that you have all the information and tools needed to properly care for your new puppy. We at Kando Puppies are available seven days a week to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to call us; we want to insure your new puppy of a long, healthy and happy life. Call us immediately if you have a problem.
Taking your new puppy home ~
Puppies may become car sick during the first few rides in a car. We recommend taking another person along to hold your new puppy or use a dog carrier. Have your passenger frequently, but slowly, rub the puppy and talk to him/her in a soft voice. This proves to be effective most of the time in relaxing your new puppy. Take a roll of paper towels and wet wipes along just in case your puppy does get sick. Give your puppy about 45 minutes to an hour to settle down in his crate – his/her little tummy will do just fine. If your puppy does have motion sickness, make short trips (around the block) until he/she gets used to it.
First Veterinarian Visit ~
Take your puppy to your Veterinarian for a "WELL PUPPY CHECK UP". This is not for vaccinations, deworming, heart worm preventative, flea & tick preventative. Take your vaccination records with you on this visit. This should be a calm, simple, enjoyable visit for your puppy. His introduction to his new doctor. Any medical treatments should be rescheduled for your next visit 7-14 days from pick up. Revaccinating, additional deworming, starting new preventative medicines can cause added stress, and over vaccinations. DOING SO WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. Adding additional medications into his/her system during the transitional period can cause stress all preventative medicines can wait 7 days. Send a copy via text photo or a pdf file of the full Veterinary Repost to activate your warranty. Call us immediately with any problems. Do not change the puppy's food. We do NOT recommend using Banfield Pet Hospital, Thrive or Vetco. After numerous customers bad experiences related to Banfield, Thrive or Vetco we will no longer warranty a puppy under their care. If you choose to use Banfield, Thrive or Vetco your warranty will be voided. Find a private practice with an established Veterinarian.
Whining puppy~
Place the crate away from the active area, in your bedroom, a hall way or laundry room some quiet place. Place a well worn T shirt that has your or The main care giver’s smell on it in the crate with the puppy. Place a (dollar general store heating pad) under half the crate. So he/she has a warm snuggle place. It should only cover half the crate so he/she can get away from the heat if he/she gets too hot. Often a radio playing near the crate calms them. Place him/her in the crate during the day for short times, 3-5 minutes until they are used to it. Don’t let him/her out if they’re crying only when quite.
Let me know if this helps. Sometimes a stuffed toy to cuddle also helps. Remember they have always had a sibling to cuddle with and they are in a new home with a new family. It will take a week or two to settle in. (Heated beds are wonderful)
Food and water ~
Not eating for the first day - that can happen. Things are different for the puppy. In our care, puppies generally do as other puppies do; when one eats, they all eat. The adjustment period should last a day or so. Feed only a high quality puppy food like Diamond, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Nutri Source Puppy Food (dry). If the puppy refuses to eat after 12 hours, call me. Do Not give any canned food. If you notice early that your puppy’s appetite has decreased, there are some food items usually found in the home that may be used to entice him or her. Cheese (all types) rice (white or brown), rotisserie/boiled chicken, plain or vanilla yogurt, cottage cheese, cheerios, baby food (chicken), cooked egg (scrambled or boiled), peanut butter. The puppy must eat within 24 hours. Feeding canned food can cause loose stool and blood streaked poop, only feed canned as a last choice.
Water – For the first 3 to 7 days give only bottle spring or drinking water. Some cities have too many chemicals in the water and will upset the stomach. When in doubt, please contact us immediately. Adding karo syrup or chicken broth may help entice him/her to drink. If you are having trouble call, don't wait beyond 8 hours. We are always glad to help.
Potty Training: Your puppy has been started using a doggy door-
She/he does not know what a potty pad is and I recommend not starting. This only teaches them to potty inside and breaking them from pee on towels, rugs and carpets is next to impossible once started. Instead follow these guidelinds:
Puppy potty training is one of the first things you'll do to help you dog get acquainted with his new home, and there are many ways to go about it. Try these seven suggestions to set you and your canine up for success.
1. Stick to a Potty Spot Before you begin puppy potty training your new pal, decide where you'd like them to "go" outside of the house. Do you have a yard? Direct them to a location that's quick to get to from the door. Apartment-dwelling dogs should also be able to identify natural, easy-to-reach ground that isn't in the way of foot traffic or cars.
Once you've determined where you'll bring your dog during this training phase, make sure you take them to the same area every time they go outside to do their business. Dogs can smell their territory, so consistency is important when you house train a puppy.
2. Learn the Signs of Needing to GoYour new puppy might not speak the same language as you, but they'll try to tell you they need to eliminate in their own special way. Luckily, you can look out for certain signs. Immediately bring your dog outside to their special potty spot when you see them:
Smelling his rear
You'll need to quickly bring your dog outside when you see any of these signs, so plan ahead. Keep a leash right at the door, allowing you to usher them outside as soon as possible. Remember to guide your dog to the same spot every time they need to go. Once they learn where their special potty area is, they'll return to it all on their own.
3. Make Meal Time the Same Time When house training a puppy, keep all meal and snack times scheduled. This is helpful for two reasons: First, scheduled meals will teach your dog when they can expect to eat throughout the day. Second, if you're feeding your dog at specific times, you can follow up and bring them to their potty spot with the expectation that they'll be ready to go soon after they finish eating.
4. Watch the Water Bowl If your dog is a heavy water drinker, chances are they'll urinate frequently as well. To rule out any accidents, take your puppy out shortly after drinking during the puppy potty training phase, so they're in the right place at the right time.
5. Go Outside Often Take your pup out first thing in the morning, after all feedings and anytime you see cues that they might need to go. Many dogs produce a bowel movement within 30 minutes of a meal. If you have a young puppy, take them out every hour to avoid accidents until you get a better idea of how often they do their business. Here are some general rules about how long puppies can "hold it" based on their age:
6. Praise Them Everyone likes to know when they're doing a good job, and your puppy will thrive on this positive reinforcement. It doesn't matter if you praise them with treats or say "good job" while petting them. Just make sure they know you appreciate their efforts to do things the right way. Consider naming the deed to teach a "go to the bathroom" command. You may prompt your pup to "take a break," for example, before getting to play.
7. Use a Crate Pups don't like to eliminate near where they sleep or eat. Use that to reinforce house training by crate training your pup. A puppy can eliminate in one corner of a bathroom or laundry room and sleep and play in the rest of the space with no problem. If you can't watch your baby dog while on the phone or checking your email, confine them in their crate instead. They won't want to mess up this area and will let you know if they need a bathroom break. If they go outside and play without getting productive, put them back in the crate when you return. Should they mess up the crate, they must live with it temporarily — a powerful lesson every pup should learn.
8. Calmly Address Accidents Accidents are a natural part of house training. When your dog eliminates in your home, calmly redirect them outside into their designated potty spot right away. Punishing a pup may make the situation worse and result in more accidents in the home.
Immediately clean the area. Avoid ammonia, since it mimics the smell of urine. Bleach disinfects but won't eliminate odor, either. If your dog smells waste in your home, they'll likely relieve themselves there in the future. When cleaning the soiled spot, use an enzymatic cleaner or odor neutralizer designed specifically for pet waste. Keep your pup away from the area while it dries.
8. Preparing for Varying Situations Puppies may squat when meeting new people or pets out of excitement or deference. Give them potty breaks before meet-and-greets to avoid a mess. Schedule plenty of potty breaks during road trips, too. If you decide to leave your dog behind when you travel, provide step-by-step instructions to the boarding facility to maintain consistency. If you move to a new home, start over with house training. Restrict them to one area of the house, show them the new potty spot and reward them when they do the right thing.
Many dogs dislike eliminating when it rains or object to squatting in snow. First experiences with cold and rainy weather can scare a pup, but even adult dogs prefer to potty in comfort. Keep an umbrella handy to offer some weather protection. Shovel out a path to your pup's preferred potty spot so they can relieve themselves without exposing their tail to the icy cold ground. Double up on the treats so they know going potty in bad weather gets extra rewards. This will help prevent unwelcome surprises under the piano bench. Excited, stressed or scared dogs are also more prone to accidents in the home, even if they're the best-trained dog. Any time your house-trained dog has several accidents, check with your veterinarian to rule out any health issues.
Not all dogs learn at the same speed. Some puppies understand house training and become pros by eight or 10 weeks of age. Other pups, such as toy breed puppies, take longer to understand what you expect and may not demonstrate consistency until they're a few months old. In most cases, with your patience, praise and consistency, all dogs can learn to eliminate in an approved location.
We feed at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. Start a scheduled that fits your needs. Schedule, routine and consistency is key to successful potty training. Our puppies sleep on heated beds and stay a constant 78 degrees. Do not let puppies get cold. Never let a puppy out unattended.
Vitamins and Supplements: Please see the NuVet Supplements link.
1. Since Covid 19 do you really want something that has been in someone else’s house for a couple days unwashed? We bathe the puppy and bring her directly to you in sanitized crate.
2. He/She will have been away from mom for 7 days before coming home with you. This is a part of our weaning process. The last 2 days she is separated from her litter mates, This helps her adjust to not having them 24/7. Giving her the scent is just reminding her of what she will never see again.
3. I recommend you bringing an old T shirt that you have worn with your scent and let her become familiar with her new care giver and she learns that you are her comfort zone. You want to build a bond with you. Let her sleep with your T-shirt and feel safe.
4. I will do whatever you want, but years of raising puppies this works best for me.
In my puppy room blankets are washed daily changed a few times a day. They may never have the same blanket, they are often mixed between litters, but always washed In Bleach, so they smell more like clean fresh washed than mom.
Just let me know and I will bring you the one she slept with the last night if you want but it will only have her scent on it. I can rub it on mom, but I don’t recommend.
This is just my opinion on scent blankets.
Information and helpful hints for the first few days at home ~
Your puppy may be a bit nervous (the puppy is no longer experiencing familiar sounds and smells that it’s used to). This is his/her first time to be away from home and siblings. This unsettling feeling will pass shortly. Plenty of peace and rest in his crate will help with the adjustment to his/her new family. It’s very important that the puppy is not over stimulated. After putting your puppy down on the floor for the first time, he may just stand there in fright. Back away and talk soothingly to him. Reassure him by saying "good puppy". Speak very softly and your new puppy will come over to you for a sniff. When he/she comes over, give him/her a pat on the head. Transition will get better each day; the first week can be rough.
The puppy needs plenty of rest, puppies like babies sleep a lot. Too much excitement could cause stress. Do not allow children to rough play with the puppy. Do not allow children to handle the puppy unsupervised.
Stress-Induced Diarrhea~
Both people and animals can get diarrhea as a result of stress.
Think about it. A puppy new to your family has undergone tremendous changes in a short period of time.
He/She's been removed from his/her mother and littermates. He/she has been physically relocated from the only environment he/she's known to a new, unfamiliar one. There was probably some travel involved, if only a short drive in the car.
The sights, sounds, smells and temptations in his/her world have changed overnight.
He/She's no longer one of several, but the only puppy in the household. If your family is like most, your new little girl/boy is overwhelmed with attention – he/she's being handled, talked to and played with more than ever before.
Any change can be stressful, even a change for the better. When you consider the inexperience of your puppy and the major adjustments he/she must make during her first few months of life, it's really not surprising if his/her GI tract reacts to the stress.
If your puppy's diarrhea is stress related, it should resolve within a few days. Make sure to keep clean, fresh water available for her at all times, and if necessary, take her to the bowl and encourage her to drink. Your vet can also offer many suggestions on simple, natural remedies that can help your pet through this initial adjustment period, if needed.
Also make sure he/she has lots of opportunity to nap and plenty of quiet time.
If your puppy is having some mild diarrhea but is otherwise playful, energetic and weighs more than 5 pounds, fast her for 12 hours, preferably overnight. The G.I. tract can only rest, repair and restore its self when it's not working.
If he/she's better in the morning, give her some chicken or vegetable broth (no onion), applesauce, cooked sweet potato or pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling!). If the stool improves, but isn't 100%, feed a second and third meal of cooked ground turkey meat (no bones), applesauce, sweet potato or pumpkin. Once he/she continues to improve, you can go back to regular feedings.
If the diarrhea continues another day or two, even if he/she seems fine, it's time to take him/her to the vet.
Symptoms and Signs to be aware of ~
Nervousness, a new home or change of diet, change in water may cause diarrhea. A puppy that has “loose stool” is seldom a reason for worry. It is in fact usually “par for the course” within the first few days that you have your puppy at home. There can be many causes behind diarrhea. The most common culprits are stress, large amounts of canned food, too much play, or parasites. Let’s stop for a moment and discuss parasites. Most of the parasites that inflict themselves on puppies are passed onto the puppy when they are born. This is why it is necessary for a breeder to “worm” a puppy shortly after its birth. (Normally twice a month). Unfortunately parasites, being tricky little suckers, can re-appear just by one of their eggs hatching. Think of just how difficult it is to get rid of lice – it’s the same thing with internal parasites. Some common parasites (or just plain “worms” as they are sometimes called) are Coccidia, Giardia (passed on from water), Hookworms and Roundworms. Every once in a while we get an alarmist Vet who tells a family that it is possible to contract parasites from a puppy, but this can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, i.e. washing your hands thoroughly every time you come in contact with their stool. (F.Y.I) NOT ONE employee of the Kando Puppies has ever gotten worms from handling puppies. If the consistency of your puppies stool is firm enough to hold its form, you can likely treat this with the addition of some plain rice, cottage cheese or unsweetened pumpkin to the food. This can often help firm things up. If the consistency is very watery, extra foul smelling, or contains blood (parasites can cause this as well) or accompanied by any other symptoms, then call your Vet to be on the safe side. As always, if anything is unclear to you, or if you are unsure of something (anything) please don’t hesitate to call us. After all, that’s what we are here for.
Blood or mucus in your puppy's stool ~
Generally this is a sign that your puppy may have the presence of intestinal parasites. This is a common occurrence with puppies and is very easily treated. Parasites are normally found in the stool of young puppies, and can be easily diagnosed by your vet, who can complete a fecal test to determine this. Medication will be given by the vet and this should clear out the parasites within a week. Worms in your puppy's stool like parasites, worms are commonly found in young puppies. There are several types of worms, but the most common types are roundworms and tapeworms. These are visible sometimes when the pup defecates, but you should not be alarmed as this is an easily treated problem. A de-worming can be given by your veterinarian, once he/she has determined what type of worms are present. If the puppy has recently been dewormed, it is possible to see worms in stool or have a loose stool..
Coughing ~
Our puppies are raised in a clean facility, but this doesn’t change the fact that if just one puppy develops a cold, any other puppy in our nursery may develop one as well. Think of how children start getting colds when they enter nursery school, puppies are the same way. A cough in itself is usually not a big deal and most likely will not require an emergency room visit, should the onset of symptoms occur after your Vets regular office hours. It does however require a trip to your Vet within a short time (a day or two) to assure that a little cold stays a cold and does not blossom into an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia, all of which are possible if the symptoms of a cold are ignored, or the situation is not handled aggressively by your Vet. To assure this doesn’t happen, it is probable that your Vet will give you an antibiotic to combat the cold. There are some breeds that are more prone to the effects of a cold and others. Toy breeds are at risk, as a cold may interfere with their willingness to eat.
Again at first sign of ANY problem, call us.
Hypoglycemia ~ (This is more common in small toy breeds, but can happen in all breeds.
This condition can occur from time to time, but will usually occur in small Breeds, more often than larger breeds. Hypoglycemia occurs when a puppy's blood sugar level drops below normal. This can occur for several reasons, but usually it happens when a puppy is not eating properly, due to the stress of going to an unfamiliar environment. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are: white gums, low body temperatures, lethargy, no appetite, inability to stand up and/or possible seizures.It is important that small breeds receive three to five feedings per day, as well as supplements like Nutri-Cal, so blood sugar levels remain adequate. If you see symptoms of hypoglycemia, give the puppy sugar immediately, keep the puppy warm and consult a veterinarian immediately.
Another great product to prevent hypoglycemia is Doc Roy's Forti-cal available at: . http://www.revivalanimal.com/Doc-Roys-Forti-Cal.html?sku=60319-565
Vomiting ~
If your puppy vomits only once or twice, it’s probably not a big deal, particularly if it consists mainly of undigested food and occurs right after a meal while puppy is exercising. An exception to the “once or twice rule” would be if it becomes obvious that your puppy has ingested a foreign object. In that case, call your Vet right away. If your puppy throws up three or more times, it is often best to see your Vet as it takes a short time for a puppy to become dangerously dehydrated.
Precautionary measures for puppies are ~
Make sure that you are not constantly handling, over stimulating the puppy or passing it around from hand to hand. In the beginning, give the puppy allot of time to rest. Your new puppy should have at least three feedings during the course of a twelve hour day. Note: make sure your puppy eats when you place the food in front of him.
Make an appointment with your Veterinarian ~
Take your puppy in for it's first Vet check within 48 hours of purchase, and notify us at once of any problems your Vet may find. We do not recommend using Banfield Pet Hospital®, we prefer a private practice Veterinarian. We do not pay any Veterinarian charges.
Puppies get a series of Vaccinations, make an appointment for his/her next vaccinations and deworming, and take the vaccination records with you to your appointment. Your puppy has been given the vaccinations on the records. If your Veterinarian insist on re-vaccinating your puppy (which I disagree with), for reasons like (1) Some breeders get their vaccinations from the feed store or order from the Internet and they may not be handled correctly; or (2) He can't be sure the vaccinations were given. The main reason for this is he wants to charge you for what has already been done. If you do allow him to re-vaccinate, wait at least 14 days from the date of the last vaccination given on your records. *A puppy is not fully vaccinated until 20 weeks when vaccinations are completed.
Remember to send us the results of the well puppy check up within 78 hours.
Poop eating -
Stool eating, also known as coprophagy, is actually quite normal behavior for a puppy. And though you may find it utterly gross, the behavior does have an underlying cause. Moreover, if the cause is not addressed appropriately and in a timely manner, it does have a good chance of becoming a recurring habit.
To begin, do not be immediately alarmed when you see your puppy doing it. Reacting in a way that is alarming to the puppy can do more harm than good, and may even lead to other behavioral problems.
Stool eating typically begins when a puppy is still in the litter. At this stage, it is natural for the mother to eat the stool of her puppies. She does this both to keep the “den” clean and to protect the puppies from predators that might be drawn by the scent. (It doesn't matter that there are no predators in your home, this is primitive evolutionary behavior -- other animals do the same thing with their young.) The mother does this from the time the puppies are born until they are weaned, and since puppies are in the process of learning how to be dogs, they are naturally going to follow her lead and do what she does.
Of course, the mother stops eating her puppies’ feces around the time that they have begun eating solid food or have weaned from her milk, but the puppy may still continue the behavior until he becomes more mature. It is learned behavior along with natural puppy curiosity that leads them to smell, taste and even eat their own or other dogs’ stool. Most puppies outgrow this.
There are many reasons puppies do this: Poor digestion, boredom, stress, hunger, attention, a recent change in dog food and just because.
There are also many home remedies, some work for some puppies, some don't. Feeding a teaspoon/tablespoon of plain pumpkin, pineapple, applesauce, sprinkling food with meat tenderizer, garlic, or diatomaceous or hot sauce cover the poop. There is also a product called For-bid that us made to discourage eating poop. In other cases giving a multi-vitamin for puppies will stop it. In some cases, changing dog food will stop the problem. Anything you use can take from 3 days to 2 weeks to work.
Be diligent in cleaning up after your puppy eliminates. Do not give him the chance to play with or eat his stool.
Ticks and Fleas -
Texas has an extreme amount of ticks and fleas the past two years. While ticks can be dangerous, don't panic if you find a tick. Ticks and fleas seem to be everywhere. We take every measure to prevent ticks and fleas, although we sometimes have one show up. Every puppy is bathed before going home, but occasionally one can slip by or can be picked up in the yard after a bath. To remove a tick, you can use tweezers or your hands. I cover the tick with alcohol or blue Dawn Dish Soap for about 5 minutes then gently but firmly twist the tick and pull. Be sure to dispose of the tick (flush down commode), put antibiotic (Neosporin) on the tick bite, and wash hands thoroughly. Just keep an eye on the spot and make sure it doesn't turn red or infected. When you go to the Veterinarian for your first well puppy check up, your Veterinarian will likely recommend a monthly flea and tick preventative. We do not start puppies, because it is safer to start with your Veterinarian, his recommendations and not risk double dosing young puppies.
I have been asked what I use for flea and tick control: I use Bravecto and I use Sentinel for heartworm. I do not recommend one over another, I would consult your Veterinarian, because there is a lot of different opinions on this topic. Some breeds (mostly herding type) are at risk of MDR1 gene, even with testing on parents and or grand parents, we recommend you test your puppy (if at risk of MDR1 gene mutation) before using certain products.
Closing Statement ~
Remember, it doesn't matter if your puppy is a Toy Breed or a Large Breed, the puppy is extremely fragile and must be treated like a baby. Do not roughhouse with the puppy. Be very cautious when you take the puppy outside. Keep the puppy away from public parks where dogs defecate - until the puppy is fully vaccinated. Do not let your puppy come into contact with another dog unless you know that dog is fully vaccinated and healthy. Make sure that your puppy is given his/her vaccinations when due. Most important: Everything is new and scary for the puppy, give him/her time to adjust. Watch for signs of Hypoglycemia.
If you have had a sick dog/puppy in your home in the past 12 months do not get a new puppy.
I do recommend crate training;
I highly recommend starting Puppy Kindergarten after the puppy’s vaccination series is complete..
Make your Veterinarian appointment for your puppy's first well puppy check up, this must be done within 48 hours of purchase, to activate your warranty. Note* We do not pay any Veterinarian charges. If the Veterinarian finds the puppy to be in poor health return the puppy immediately. Do not get vaccinations of any type (or start preventative care) at this visit, do not add anymore stress, until the puppy has time to settle in. Doing so will void your warranty. These can be done on the next scheduled Veterinary appointment.
What to expect on Gotcha Day:
You should receive an email with a pick up appointment date and time, the week you have planned to pick up your new puppy at 8-9 weeks old.
You will get an email like this a few days before your pick up appointment.
RE: picking up puppy instructions
It's time to confirm your pick up appointment for picking up your new puppy.
RE: picking up puppy instructions $__________________BALANCE
DAY & TIME: (____________________________), @ 10:00 am-2:00 pm), please call, text or email us to schedule a pick up time. Please call/text the night before to confirm or before leaving the day of pick up.
Let us know what you will be driving. (903-385-5577 Jo)
Location for pick up:
1. Dairy Queen, 17249 Interstate 20, Canton, TX (exit 527 off I-20) or at
2. CVS, 1215 S Trade Days Blvd Canton, TX 75103.
Please verify your choice of time or location.
Vehicle: Sarah drives a blue Ford Escape, SUV, she has long red hair. (Sarah's number 520-788-3070). She will park on the left/east side of DQ towards the back. CALL or text Jo 903-385-5577, an hour away to confirm, or contact Sarah at 520-788-3070.
Schedule your Well Puppy Check Up with your Veterinarian as soon as possible (48-72 hours). Call, text or email us the results of this visit. Remember DO NOT re-vaccinate, re-deworm, or start new preventative medications at this visit. This visit should be calm and stress free to start a good Veterinarian experience for your new puppy. We do not recommend or honor Franchise Veterinarian Clinics, such as Banfield, Vetco, Thrive.
Have the Nutri-Source Puppy 8-20 pound bag, for your new puppy. Have food and water bowls and a crate with bedding ready before bringing puppy home. I will give you a 1.5# sample bag. *It is not uncommon for a puppy to not eat the first day, as long as he/she is playful and active, I wouldn't be alarmed. If they don't eat after 8 hours call me. If you can not find Nutri-Source, my next choices would be Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Diamond Puppy Food. Use a food that you can buy conveniently.
Things to bring- a crate is always best for safe transportation, paper towels, wet wipes, a blanket or towel.
Don't forget the balance due, if any, on puppy, in cash..
Once you have your puppy, please leave us a review on Facebook @ Kando Family with pictures and on Google Kando Puppies.
Please let us take a picture for our Gotcha Day Memories on Facebook.
Be sure to check our website for the link to order your NuVet Supplements.
NuVet is not available in stores, and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional.
For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code:39947, or ordering online at www.nuvet.com/39947.
You can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the “AutoShip” option at check out.
Thank you,
Jo Guthrie 903-385-5577
Your New Puppy Care Instructions
Congratulations on your new puppy. We are pleased and honored that you are now part of our puppy family. Our obligation to you is to assure that you have all the information and tools needed to properly care for your new puppy. We at Kando Puppies are available seven days a week to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to call us; we want to insure your new puppy of a long, healthy and happy life. Call us immediately if you have a problem.
Taking your new puppy home ~
Puppies may become car sick during the first few rides in a car. We recommend taking another person along to hold your new puppy or use a dog carrier. Have your passenger frequently, but slowly, rub the puppy and talk to him/her in a soft voice. This proves to be effective most of the time in relaxing your new puppy. Take a roll of paper towels and wet wipes along just in case your puppy does get sick. Give your puppy about 45 minutes to an hour to settle down in his crate – his/her little tummy will do just fine. If your puppy does have motion sickness, make short trips (around the block) until he/she gets used to it.
First Veterinarian Visit ~
Take your puppy to your Veterinarian for a "WELL PUPPY CHECK UP". This is not for vaccinations, deworming, heart worm preventative, flea & tick preventative. Take your vaccination records with you on this visit. This should be a calm, simple, enjoyable visit for your puppy. His introduction to his new doctor. Any medical treatments should be rescheduled for your next visit 7-14 days from pick up. Revaccinating, additional deworming, starting new preventative medicines can cause added stress, and over vaccinations. DOING SO WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. Adding additional medications into his/her system during the transitional period can cause stress all preventative medicines can wait 7 days. Send a copy via text photo or a pdf file of the full Veterinary Repost to activate your warranty. Call us immediately with any problems. Do not change the puppy's food. We do NOT recommend using Banfield Pet Hospital, Thrive or Vetco. After numerous customers bad experiences related to Banfield, Thrive or Vetco we will no longer warranty a puppy under their care. If you choose to use Banfield, Thrive or Vetco your warranty will be voided. Find a private practice with an established Veterinarian.
Whining puppy~
Place the crate away from the active area, in your bedroom, a hall way or laundry room some quiet place. Place a well worn T shirt that has your or The main care giver’s smell on it in the crate with the puppy. Place a (dollar general store heating pad) under half the crate. So he/she has a warm snuggle place. It should only cover half the crate so he/she can get away from the heat if he/she gets too hot. Often a radio playing near the crate calms them. Place him/her in the crate during the day for short times, 3-5 minutes until they are used to it. Don’t let him/her out if they’re crying only when quite.
Let me know if this helps. Sometimes a stuffed toy to cuddle also helps. Remember they have always had a sibling to cuddle with and they are in a new home with a new family. It will take a week or two to settle in. (Heated beds are wonderful)
Food and water ~
Not eating for the first day - that can happen. Things are different for the puppy. In our care, puppies generally do as other puppies do; when one eats, they all eat. The adjustment period should last a day or so. Feed only a high quality puppy food like Diamond, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, Nutri Source Puppy Food (dry). If the puppy refuses to eat after 12 hours, call me. Do Not give any canned food. If you notice early that your puppy’s appetite has decreased, there are some food items usually found in the home that may be used to entice him or her. Cheese (all types) rice (white or brown), rotisserie/boiled chicken, plain or vanilla yogurt, cottage cheese, cheerios, baby food (chicken), cooked egg (scrambled or boiled), peanut butter. The puppy must eat within 24 hours. Feeding canned food can cause loose stool and blood streaked poop, only feed canned as a last choice.
Water – For the first 3 to 7 days give only bottle spring or drinking water. Some cities have too many chemicals in the water and will upset the stomach. When in doubt, please contact us immediately. Adding karo syrup or chicken broth may help entice him/her to drink. If you are having trouble call, don't wait beyond 8 hours. We are always glad to help.
Potty Training: Your puppy has been started using a doggy door-
She/he does not know what a potty pad is and I recommend not starting. This only teaches them to potty inside and breaking them from pee on towels, rugs and carpets is next to impossible once started. Instead follow these guidelinds:
Puppy potty training is one of the first things you'll do to help you dog get acquainted with his new home, and there are many ways to go about it. Try these seven suggestions to set you and your canine up for success.
1. Stick to a Potty Spot Before you begin puppy potty training your new pal, decide where you'd like them to "go" outside of the house. Do you have a yard? Direct them to a location that's quick to get to from the door. Apartment-dwelling dogs should also be able to identify natural, easy-to-reach ground that isn't in the way of foot traffic or cars.
Once you've determined where you'll bring your dog during this training phase, make sure you take them to the same area every time they go outside to do their business. Dogs can smell their territory, so consistency is important when you house train a puppy.
2. Learn the Signs of Needing to GoYour new puppy might not speak the same language as you, but they'll try to tell you they need to eliminate in their own special way. Luckily, you can look out for certain signs. Immediately bring your dog outside to their special potty spot when you see them:
Smelling his rear
- Pacing in circles
- Barking or scratching at the door
- Sniffing the floor
- Squatting.
You'll need to quickly bring your dog outside when you see any of these signs, so plan ahead. Keep a leash right at the door, allowing you to usher them outside as soon as possible. Remember to guide your dog to the same spot every time they need to go. Once they learn where their special potty area is, they'll return to it all on their own.
3. Make Meal Time the Same Time When house training a puppy, keep all meal and snack times scheduled. This is helpful for two reasons: First, scheduled meals will teach your dog when they can expect to eat throughout the day. Second, if you're feeding your dog at specific times, you can follow up and bring them to their potty spot with the expectation that they'll be ready to go soon after they finish eating.
4. Watch the Water Bowl If your dog is a heavy water drinker, chances are they'll urinate frequently as well. To rule out any accidents, take your puppy out shortly after drinking during the puppy potty training phase, so they're in the right place at the right time.
5. Go Outside Often Take your pup out first thing in the morning, after all feedings and anytime you see cues that they might need to go. Many dogs produce a bowel movement within 30 minutes of a meal. If you have a young puppy, take them out every hour to avoid accidents until you get a better idea of how often they do their business. Here are some general rules about how long puppies can "hold it" based on their age:
- 2-month-old pups must potty every two hours
- 3-month-olds can wait four hours
- 4-month-olds need a break after five hours
- 5-month-olds can hold it for about six hours
6. Praise Them Everyone likes to know when they're doing a good job, and your puppy will thrive on this positive reinforcement. It doesn't matter if you praise them with treats or say "good job" while petting them. Just make sure they know you appreciate their efforts to do things the right way. Consider naming the deed to teach a "go to the bathroom" command. You may prompt your pup to "take a break," for example, before getting to play.
7. Use a Crate Pups don't like to eliminate near where they sleep or eat. Use that to reinforce house training by crate training your pup. A puppy can eliminate in one corner of a bathroom or laundry room and sleep and play in the rest of the space with no problem. If you can't watch your baby dog while on the phone or checking your email, confine them in their crate instead. They won't want to mess up this area and will let you know if they need a bathroom break. If they go outside and play without getting productive, put them back in the crate when you return. Should they mess up the crate, they must live with it temporarily — a powerful lesson every pup should learn.
8. Calmly Address Accidents Accidents are a natural part of house training. When your dog eliminates in your home, calmly redirect them outside into their designated potty spot right away. Punishing a pup may make the situation worse and result in more accidents in the home.
Immediately clean the area. Avoid ammonia, since it mimics the smell of urine. Bleach disinfects but won't eliminate odor, either. If your dog smells waste in your home, they'll likely relieve themselves there in the future. When cleaning the soiled spot, use an enzymatic cleaner or odor neutralizer designed specifically for pet waste. Keep your pup away from the area while it dries.
8. Preparing for Varying Situations Puppies may squat when meeting new people or pets out of excitement or deference. Give them potty breaks before meet-and-greets to avoid a mess. Schedule plenty of potty breaks during road trips, too. If you decide to leave your dog behind when you travel, provide step-by-step instructions to the boarding facility to maintain consistency. If you move to a new home, start over with house training. Restrict them to one area of the house, show them the new potty spot and reward them when they do the right thing.
Many dogs dislike eliminating when it rains or object to squatting in snow. First experiences with cold and rainy weather can scare a pup, but even adult dogs prefer to potty in comfort. Keep an umbrella handy to offer some weather protection. Shovel out a path to your pup's preferred potty spot so they can relieve themselves without exposing their tail to the icy cold ground. Double up on the treats so they know going potty in bad weather gets extra rewards. This will help prevent unwelcome surprises under the piano bench. Excited, stressed or scared dogs are also more prone to accidents in the home, even if they're the best-trained dog. Any time your house-trained dog has several accidents, check with your veterinarian to rule out any health issues.
Not all dogs learn at the same speed. Some puppies understand house training and become pros by eight or 10 weeks of age. Other pups, such as toy breed puppies, take longer to understand what you expect and may not demonstrate consistency until they're a few months old. In most cases, with your patience, praise and consistency, all dogs can learn to eliminate in an approved location.
We feed at 7:00 am, 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm. Start a scheduled that fits your needs. Schedule, routine and consistency is key to successful potty training. Our puppies sleep on heated beds and stay a constant 78 degrees. Do not let puppies get cold. Never let a puppy out unattended.
Vitamins and Supplements: Please see the NuVet Supplements link.
1. Since Covid 19 do you really want something that has been in someone else’s house for a couple days unwashed? We bathe the puppy and bring her directly to you in sanitized crate.
2. He/She will have been away from mom for 7 days before coming home with you. This is a part of our weaning process. The last 2 days she is separated from her litter mates, This helps her adjust to not having them 24/7. Giving her the scent is just reminding her of what she will never see again.
3. I recommend you bringing an old T shirt that you have worn with your scent and let her become familiar with her new care giver and she learns that you are her comfort zone. You want to build a bond with you. Let her sleep with your T-shirt and feel safe.
4. I will do whatever you want, but years of raising puppies this works best for me.
In my puppy room blankets are washed daily changed a few times a day. They may never have the same blanket, they are often mixed between litters, but always washed In Bleach, so they smell more like clean fresh washed than mom.
Just let me know and I will bring you the one she slept with the last night if you want but it will only have her scent on it. I can rub it on mom, but I don’t recommend.
This is just my opinion on scent blankets.
Information and helpful hints for the first few days at home ~
Your puppy may be a bit nervous (the puppy is no longer experiencing familiar sounds and smells that it’s used to). This is his/her first time to be away from home and siblings. This unsettling feeling will pass shortly. Plenty of peace and rest in his crate will help with the adjustment to his/her new family. It’s very important that the puppy is not over stimulated. After putting your puppy down on the floor for the first time, he may just stand there in fright. Back away and talk soothingly to him. Reassure him by saying "good puppy". Speak very softly and your new puppy will come over to you for a sniff. When he/she comes over, give him/her a pat on the head. Transition will get better each day; the first week can be rough.
The puppy needs plenty of rest, puppies like babies sleep a lot. Too much excitement could cause stress. Do not allow children to rough play with the puppy. Do not allow children to handle the puppy unsupervised.
Stress-Induced Diarrhea~
Both people and animals can get diarrhea as a result of stress.
Think about it. A puppy new to your family has undergone tremendous changes in a short period of time.
He/She's been removed from his/her mother and littermates. He/she has been physically relocated from the only environment he/she's known to a new, unfamiliar one. There was probably some travel involved, if only a short drive in the car.
The sights, sounds, smells and temptations in his/her world have changed overnight.
He/She's no longer one of several, but the only puppy in the household. If your family is like most, your new little girl/boy is overwhelmed with attention – he/she's being handled, talked to and played with more than ever before.
Any change can be stressful, even a change for the better. When you consider the inexperience of your puppy and the major adjustments he/she must make during her first few months of life, it's really not surprising if his/her GI tract reacts to the stress.
If your puppy's diarrhea is stress related, it should resolve within a few days. Make sure to keep clean, fresh water available for her at all times, and if necessary, take her to the bowl and encourage her to drink. Your vet can also offer many suggestions on simple, natural remedies that can help your pet through this initial adjustment period, if needed.
Also make sure he/she has lots of opportunity to nap and plenty of quiet time.
If your puppy is having some mild diarrhea but is otherwise playful, energetic and weighs more than 5 pounds, fast her for 12 hours, preferably overnight. The G.I. tract can only rest, repair and restore its self when it's not working.
If he/she's better in the morning, give her some chicken or vegetable broth (no onion), applesauce, cooked sweet potato or pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling!). If the stool improves, but isn't 100%, feed a second and third meal of cooked ground turkey meat (no bones), applesauce, sweet potato or pumpkin. Once he/she continues to improve, you can go back to regular feedings.
If the diarrhea continues another day or two, even if he/she seems fine, it's time to take him/her to the vet.
Symptoms and Signs to be aware of ~
Nervousness, a new home or change of diet, change in water may cause diarrhea. A puppy that has “loose stool” is seldom a reason for worry. It is in fact usually “par for the course” within the first few days that you have your puppy at home. There can be many causes behind diarrhea. The most common culprits are stress, large amounts of canned food, too much play, or parasites. Let’s stop for a moment and discuss parasites. Most of the parasites that inflict themselves on puppies are passed onto the puppy when they are born. This is why it is necessary for a breeder to “worm” a puppy shortly after its birth. (Normally twice a month). Unfortunately parasites, being tricky little suckers, can re-appear just by one of their eggs hatching. Think of just how difficult it is to get rid of lice – it’s the same thing with internal parasites. Some common parasites (or just plain “worms” as they are sometimes called) are Coccidia, Giardia (passed on from water), Hookworms and Roundworms. Every once in a while we get an alarmist Vet who tells a family that it is possible to contract parasites from a puppy, but this can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, i.e. washing your hands thoroughly every time you come in contact with their stool. (F.Y.I) NOT ONE employee of the Kando Puppies has ever gotten worms from handling puppies. If the consistency of your puppies stool is firm enough to hold its form, you can likely treat this with the addition of some plain rice, cottage cheese or unsweetened pumpkin to the food. This can often help firm things up. If the consistency is very watery, extra foul smelling, or contains blood (parasites can cause this as well) or accompanied by any other symptoms, then call your Vet to be on the safe side. As always, if anything is unclear to you, or if you are unsure of something (anything) please don’t hesitate to call us. After all, that’s what we are here for.
Blood or mucus in your puppy's stool ~
Generally this is a sign that your puppy may have the presence of intestinal parasites. This is a common occurrence with puppies and is very easily treated. Parasites are normally found in the stool of young puppies, and can be easily diagnosed by your vet, who can complete a fecal test to determine this. Medication will be given by the vet and this should clear out the parasites within a week. Worms in your puppy's stool like parasites, worms are commonly found in young puppies. There are several types of worms, but the most common types are roundworms and tapeworms. These are visible sometimes when the pup defecates, but you should not be alarmed as this is an easily treated problem. A de-worming can be given by your veterinarian, once he/she has determined what type of worms are present. If the puppy has recently been dewormed, it is possible to see worms in stool or have a loose stool..
Coughing ~
Our puppies are raised in a clean facility, but this doesn’t change the fact that if just one puppy develops a cold, any other puppy in our nursery may develop one as well. Think of how children start getting colds when they enter nursery school, puppies are the same way. A cough in itself is usually not a big deal and most likely will not require an emergency room visit, should the onset of symptoms occur after your Vets regular office hours. It does however require a trip to your Vet within a short time (a day or two) to assure that a little cold stays a cold and does not blossom into an upper respiratory infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia, all of which are possible if the symptoms of a cold are ignored, or the situation is not handled aggressively by your Vet. To assure this doesn’t happen, it is probable that your Vet will give you an antibiotic to combat the cold. There are some breeds that are more prone to the effects of a cold and others. Toy breeds are at risk, as a cold may interfere with their willingness to eat.
Again at first sign of ANY problem, call us.
Hypoglycemia ~ (This is more common in small toy breeds, but can happen in all breeds.
This condition can occur from time to time, but will usually occur in small Breeds, more often than larger breeds. Hypoglycemia occurs when a puppy's blood sugar level drops below normal. This can occur for several reasons, but usually it happens when a puppy is not eating properly, due to the stress of going to an unfamiliar environment. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are: white gums, low body temperatures, lethargy, no appetite, inability to stand up and/or possible seizures.It is important that small breeds receive three to five feedings per day, as well as supplements like Nutri-Cal, so blood sugar levels remain adequate. If you see symptoms of hypoglycemia, give the puppy sugar immediately, keep the puppy warm and consult a veterinarian immediately.
Another great product to prevent hypoglycemia is Doc Roy's Forti-cal available at: . http://www.revivalanimal.com/Doc-Roys-Forti-Cal.html?sku=60319-565
Vomiting ~
If your puppy vomits only once or twice, it’s probably not a big deal, particularly if it consists mainly of undigested food and occurs right after a meal while puppy is exercising. An exception to the “once or twice rule” would be if it becomes obvious that your puppy has ingested a foreign object. In that case, call your Vet right away. If your puppy throws up three or more times, it is often best to see your Vet as it takes a short time for a puppy to become dangerously dehydrated.
Precautionary measures for puppies are ~
Make sure that you are not constantly handling, over stimulating the puppy or passing it around from hand to hand. In the beginning, give the puppy allot of time to rest. Your new puppy should have at least three feedings during the course of a twelve hour day. Note: make sure your puppy eats when you place the food in front of him.
Make an appointment with your Veterinarian ~
Take your puppy in for it's first Vet check within 48 hours of purchase, and notify us at once of any problems your Vet may find. We do not recommend using Banfield Pet Hospital®, we prefer a private practice Veterinarian. We do not pay any Veterinarian charges.
Puppies get a series of Vaccinations, make an appointment for his/her next vaccinations and deworming, and take the vaccination records with you to your appointment. Your puppy has been given the vaccinations on the records. If your Veterinarian insist on re-vaccinating your puppy (which I disagree with), for reasons like (1) Some breeders get their vaccinations from the feed store or order from the Internet and they may not be handled correctly; or (2) He can't be sure the vaccinations were given. The main reason for this is he wants to charge you for what has already been done. If you do allow him to re-vaccinate, wait at least 14 days from the date of the last vaccination given on your records. *A puppy is not fully vaccinated until 20 weeks when vaccinations are completed.
Remember to send us the results of the well puppy check up within 78 hours.
Poop eating -
Stool eating, also known as coprophagy, is actually quite normal behavior for a puppy. And though you may find it utterly gross, the behavior does have an underlying cause. Moreover, if the cause is not addressed appropriately and in a timely manner, it does have a good chance of becoming a recurring habit.
To begin, do not be immediately alarmed when you see your puppy doing it. Reacting in a way that is alarming to the puppy can do more harm than good, and may even lead to other behavioral problems.
Stool eating typically begins when a puppy is still in the litter. At this stage, it is natural for the mother to eat the stool of her puppies. She does this both to keep the “den” clean and to protect the puppies from predators that might be drawn by the scent. (It doesn't matter that there are no predators in your home, this is primitive evolutionary behavior -- other animals do the same thing with their young.) The mother does this from the time the puppies are born until they are weaned, and since puppies are in the process of learning how to be dogs, they are naturally going to follow her lead and do what she does.
Of course, the mother stops eating her puppies’ feces around the time that they have begun eating solid food or have weaned from her milk, but the puppy may still continue the behavior until he becomes more mature. It is learned behavior along with natural puppy curiosity that leads them to smell, taste and even eat their own or other dogs’ stool. Most puppies outgrow this.
There are many reasons puppies do this: Poor digestion, boredom, stress, hunger, attention, a recent change in dog food and just because.
There are also many home remedies, some work for some puppies, some don't. Feeding a teaspoon/tablespoon of plain pumpkin, pineapple, applesauce, sprinkling food with meat tenderizer, garlic, or diatomaceous or hot sauce cover the poop. There is also a product called For-bid that us made to discourage eating poop. In other cases giving a multi-vitamin for puppies will stop it. In some cases, changing dog food will stop the problem. Anything you use can take from 3 days to 2 weeks to work.
Be diligent in cleaning up after your puppy eliminates. Do not give him the chance to play with or eat his stool.
Ticks and Fleas -
Texas has an extreme amount of ticks and fleas the past two years. While ticks can be dangerous, don't panic if you find a tick. Ticks and fleas seem to be everywhere. We take every measure to prevent ticks and fleas, although we sometimes have one show up. Every puppy is bathed before going home, but occasionally one can slip by or can be picked up in the yard after a bath. To remove a tick, you can use tweezers or your hands. I cover the tick with alcohol or blue Dawn Dish Soap for about 5 minutes then gently but firmly twist the tick and pull. Be sure to dispose of the tick (flush down commode), put antibiotic (Neosporin) on the tick bite, and wash hands thoroughly. Just keep an eye on the spot and make sure it doesn't turn red or infected. When you go to the Veterinarian for your first well puppy check up, your Veterinarian will likely recommend a monthly flea and tick preventative. We do not start puppies, because it is safer to start with your Veterinarian, his recommendations and not risk double dosing young puppies.
I have been asked what I use for flea and tick control: I use Bravecto and I use Sentinel for heartworm. I do not recommend one over another, I would consult your Veterinarian, because there is a lot of different opinions on this topic. Some breeds (mostly herding type) are at risk of MDR1 gene, even with testing on parents and or grand parents, we recommend you test your puppy (if at risk of MDR1 gene mutation) before using certain products.
Closing Statement ~
Remember, it doesn't matter if your puppy is a Toy Breed or a Large Breed, the puppy is extremely fragile and must be treated like a baby. Do not roughhouse with the puppy. Be very cautious when you take the puppy outside. Keep the puppy away from public parks where dogs defecate - until the puppy is fully vaccinated. Do not let your puppy come into contact with another dog unless you know that dog is fully vaccinated and healthy. Make sure that your puppy is given his/her vaccinations when due. Most important: Everything is new and scary for the puppy, give him/her time to adjust. Watch for signs of Hypoglycemia.
If you have had a sick dog/puppy in your home in the past 12 months do not get a new puppy.
I do recommend crate training;
I highly recommend starting Puppy Kindergarten after the puppy’s vaccination series is complete..
Hypoglycemia in Toy Breed Puppies
PLEASE READ THIS!!!!! I can not stress enough how important this is will small/toy breed puppies.
Hypoglycemia is often mis-diagnosed as Parvo, due to a false positive snap test (that can read positive up to 10 days after the last parvo vaccine). Hypoglycemia is easy to manage.
YOUR PUPPY MUST EAT EVERY DAY EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO HAND FEED. TOY BREED PUPPIES require extra supervision, warmth, and supplemental hand feedings. Puppies go through a lot of stress when they are taken away from their siblings and go to their new homes.
HYPOGLYCEMIA or low blood sugar is a common problem with all toy breed puppies. Hypoglycemia is the medical term for low blood sugar, which is a condition in which there is a drastic, sudden drop in the level of blood sugar in the puppy. In small breed puppies from post-weaning to 4 months of age, the most common form of hypoglycemia is called Transient Juvenile Hypoglycemia: "Transient" because the symptoms can be reversed by eating. "Juvenile" because it is seen in young puppies. Veterinarians unfamiliar with toys often mis-diagnose the condition. As a toy puppy pet owner, it is important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to treat it. Hypoglycemia is easily treatable in the early stages, but fatal if allowed to progress. Many puppies are lost needlessly to hypoglycemia because of inexperience on the part of their owner or veterinarian.
VERY IMPORTANT: If your puppy is not eating or drinking water owners should SYRINGE feed their new pups 3 to 4 times a day, approximately 5 CC's per feeding - 15 to 20 CC's total per day - Gerber's chicken baby food mixed with Karo syrup for the first 10 to 14 days after receiving their new pup and they will never have a sick pup.. Draw the baby food up into the syringe and disperse into the puppy's mouth. Creamy peanut butter on the roof of their mouths a few times a day works wonders! These puppies are very stressed from leaving the home they have always known, their litter mates and their routine, so they sometimes do not eat.
THE MOST IMPORTANT rule is to always have food and water available for your puppy at all times and be sure you actually see them eating. If your pup won't eat dry kibble dog food, then cooked hamburger or chicken breast, cut up in tiny pieces. You can hand feed it every 3-4 hours during the day if you are not sure whether it is eating at all with the mixture above......from the time they wake up until the time they go to bed. A high quality food is a must. Toy Breeds must replenish their energy more frequently than larger puppies. Hypoglycemia, sometimes called sugar shock, low blood sugar (as in a diabetic), is a condition where the blood sugar level drops to an extremely low level, usually due to lack of food, or by using up all stored energy without it being replenished(playing/running for extended periods of time, shivering out of nervousness or being chilled, stress, etc.) They can end up with hypoglycemia. Toys are prone to this because they have such tiny digestive systems and can only store a little bit of food (energy) in their bodies at one time. THEY MUST EAT!
IT IS ALWAYS easier to PREVENT hypoglycemia than treat it...always make sure your toy breed puppy is eating every 3-4 hours, even if only a small amount and even if you have to hand feed. Just having food available is not always good enough. Nutri-Cal (a low volume paste vitamin/mineral supplement for show, working, or dogs under stress) is highly recommended to feed 1-3 pea size globs 3-5 times a day - especially first thing in the morning and last thing before bedtime. If your toy puppy is handled a lot by other people or has a rousing/energetic time of play then give some Nutri-Cal at playtime. When your toy puppy matures he or she may not need Nutri-Cal and should be able to go 3-5 hrs. Without eating if they are not having an active day. Keep it with you at all times.
SYMPTOMS OF HYPOGLYCEMIA, your puppy may exhibit one or more of these signs. Listlessness, weakness, won't get up and play. The gums of a normal puppy will be bright reddish/pink just like human gums....gums that are pale in places or light pink means the blood sugar levels are dropping. If the gums are white...your pup needs quick attention to avoid a hypoglycemic coma. If they are white I recommend Karo syrup on the tongue 1 CC every 15 min. until the gums return to the normal pink color(3 CC's max in the first hour). Another sign that is usually seen is vomiting on an empty stomach (clear liquid or bile) or saliva (foamy at the mouth). If your pup has not eaten in a while give it food or waffle syrup immediately. Other signs are acting listless, walking unsteady, shakiness, falling over and in extreme cases laying on their side and unresponsive. This is extreme and you must pry their mouth open and give waffle syrup. Karo corn syrup, sugar water or Nutri-Cal to raise the blood sugar quickly or coma and death will result. After giving the syrup you should see improvement and the pup should be alert in about 10 min. if not, repeat and give more syrup. If you see no signs of improvement and appears comatose rush to the nearest veterinarian office for glucose by injection or I.V. to save its life.
PREVENTING LOW BLOOD SUGAR IS THE BEST TREATMENT! Monitor gum color, body temperature (toy/teacups) under 2 pounds cannot properly maintain the correct temperature and frequently get chilled, especially if they haven't had enough to eat. Feel the ears, if the ears are warm you are ok, if ears are cold then the puppy is cold. If you are not sure put your finger in its mouth, it should be very warm, almost hot. If it isn't warm the pup with a towel or blanket out of the clothes dryer or a heating pad.
VERY TINY PUPPIES are best suited for someone who is home all day or can keep their pup with them the majority of the time making sure he or she is eating and kept warm. Toy/Teacups are not recommended for homes with small children or for families with large animals.
Death due to Hypoglycemia is not covered in the puppy’s health warranty. Hypoglycemia is preventable!!!
Hypoglycemia is often misdiagnosed as Parvo virus, a snap test is not always accurate.